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Bisnow Client Success Manager Ashley Beck: Your Partner In Leveraging Event Marketing Opportunities

Bisnow Client Success Manager Ashley Beck in New York, New York.

While Bisnow events enable West Coast commercial real estate professionals to connect with prospective deal-makers and promote their business, networking makes up only one part of a successful marketing strategy. 

According to Bisnow Client Success Manager Ashley Beck, CRE companies should ensure that they are capitalizing on opportunities to engage with their audience leading up to and following events. This includes reaching out to their audience beforehand to let them know they will be attending as well as following up with the connections they made directly after.

“Those who approach our events with the strategy of ‘I’m going to get the most out of it’ and really leverage every aspect are the ones who find the most success,” Beck said.

Bisnow sat down with Beck to discuss how clients can take advantage of marketing opportunities around events, what the future may hold for the West Coast and how remembering the little details can help set clients up for success.

Bisnow: What is working for clients in the West Coast and Pacific Northwest right now? What marketing approaches are driving deals and creating more business?

Beck: Across the board, the clients who are having the most success at our events are the ones who know how to leverage digital and in-person marketing. They’re not seeing an event as just a one-day promotional opportunity. Instead, they are heavily promoting their panel or their speaker, or letting their audience know that they're going to have a booth weeks ahead of time on social media. They’re also using LinkedIn or our morning briefs to make sure their audience is aware of their presence. 

These clients are also extremely engaged at the event and look out for opportunities to generate buzz for themselves. They take and share photos from the event and keep their audience informed about what their speaker talked about. They are not only bringing people to their booth, but they’re also working the room to see who they would benefit most from meeting.

Bisnow Client Success Manager Ashley Beck at dinner with friends in Los Angeles

Bisnow: Where do you see the West Coast market and data centers heading in the next year? What trends are you seeing that you’re most excited about? 

Beck: I’m the most excited about Seattle at the moment. There’s a new mixed-use development happening across the waterfront and I think its presence is going to breathe a lot of new life into downtown Seattle. Activity in the region has been slowly coming back since the pandemic and I’m looking forward to seeing how the new development makes its mark.

Despite being affected by the pandemic, I think Los Angeles and San Francisco will continue to optimize their vacant spaces to draw in new people, ideally by bringing in new tenants or completely repurposing the use of their buildings.

We’re living in an exciting time with artificial intelligence becoming more accessible. People have been finding new ways to use it in their career or in their daily lives. While data centers are already in high demand, the presence of AI will create an even larger demand. With its widespread usage, there will likely be an increase in edge data centers as well as an increase in tertiary data center markets.

Bisnow: What inspired you to pursue a career at Bisnow? 

Beck: From my first interview at Bisnow and throughout the hiring process, I felt really excited and invigorated. It quickly became clear that everyone I talked to was really driven and cared a lot about their work and team, and striving toward a common goal. The energy people were bringing to the table was so exciting, and I wanted to be a part of it.

Bisnow Client Success Manager Ashley Beck in Florence, Italy.

Bisnow: What do you like most about your role at Bisnow?

Beck: The most rewarding part of my job is going to events because our team puts so much work and effort into every event to make it successful. I love getting to see the final product of what we put together, and having attendees get excited to show up and ultimately leave happy as a result of having made a new connection or having run into someone they used to do business with. Being a part of creating the platform for people to get together is extremely rewarding.

I also love talking to my clients and figuring out how I can be their partner, specifically within honing the strategy of their campaign and helping them realize new opportunities for them to showcase their brand.

Bisnow: What makes you unique?

Beck: I always challenge myself to see a space or situation from multiple perspectives. When I think about an event, I think about what our panelists and attendees may need. Are they going to be able to find the venue? Is the signage to the event space clear for them? Is it going to be easy for them to move about the space? I think very analytically about how a person going into our event would feel and try to optimize the space to be accessible to each person in the room. People have different needs and experiences, and I want to help make sure that we have something available for everybody.

Bisnow: What is one life goal you want to accomplish?

Beck: It would be rewarding for me to be a thought leader on a panel. I’d like to share my knowledge and teach people things that I’ve learned throughout my career. It would be among the greatest things I can do in my career.

I have so much respect for our speakers who come out and give their insight, and I love hearing the attendees express their excitement about something they learned or when they sit on the panel of a dynamic speaker who touches on topics and points that they may not have considered. If I could be the one on the stage imparting that kind of knowledge, that would be a true career highlight.