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Scott Walker Signs $400M Deal for New Bucks Arena

Amidst current sports stadium drama in California, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker signed legislation on Wednesday to use up to $400M of taxpayer's dollars to cover half of the construction of a new arena for the NBA's Milwaukee Bucks—the team's current and former owners will put down $500M. The bold move could complicate the presidential hopeful's small-government conservative image—conservative groups like Americans for Prosperity are already criticizing the financing of private sports stadiums. But Walker argues that $6.5M long-term state and city revenue will be saved by keeping the basketball team, according to the Huffington Post. Walker has used public funds similarly, backing a now-prolonged plan to raise Milwaukee sales taxes to finance a new baseball stadium. Although arguably "sports extortion," according to H-P, two Bucks owners reportedly donated $200k to Walker's campaign. [H-P]

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