New Gen: What You Don't Know About One of the Nation's Top Retail Private Equity Partners
Ami Ziff

Ami Ziff will be attending Bisnow's Escape Ascent retreat this November in Miami. For a list of attendees, click here. To apply to attend, click here.
Photo: With wife Rebecca and daughter.
Title: National retail director, Time Equities.
Company: Iconic NY-based developer and investor with 20M SF of office, residential, retail and industrial.
Job: Oversee retail acquisitions and manage 50-asset, 3.5M SF of malls in 20 states.
Most recent deal: Closed this week on a three lifestyle center portfolio (300k SF) in Columbus, GA.
Memorable deal: Found men’s retail prospect to lease space near Memphis and prevent closure of mall. Drove with him to tour it, and tire blew out on highway. While on side of road waiting for tow, started negotiations. Continued at auto body shop. LOI signed by end of day.
How he got the job: Internship, later played tennis with founder Francis Greenburger, who mentioned opening. Received offer same week.
Grew up: Sharon, MA.
Current home: Greenwich Village.
School: College of Charleston (BA in business).
First job: Bagging groceries at Shaw’s.
First real job: Leasing and investment sales at Merchant Realty (Charleston) while in college.
Why real estate career: Inspired by uncle, commercial real estate investor in Charleston.
Family: Married two years, baby girl almost 8 months.
Favorite restaurant: L’Artusi.
Vacation spot: San Tropez.
Movie: The Dark Knight.
Music: Most DJs in Vegas.
Bucket list: Safari in Botswana.
Guilty pleasure: Can’t stop eating candy—anything but chocolate.
Startling fact: Beat ’77 US Open champion Guillermo Vilas in doubles tennis at company outing.