Colliers’ David Pinsel Promises More Acquisitions

The news that Colliers International absorbed Case Commercial Real Estate Partners on Monday may be the first of many acquisitions. We talked with North Texas regional managing director David Pinsel last night and he tells us he’s already in talks with more companies to grow the DFW Colliers presence. David (far left, with Collier’s Chris Lipscomb and Daniel Rudd) tells us the firm is in a growth and acquisitions mode and in the hot and competitive North Texas market, “if you’re not growing, you’re dying.”

David says Case was attractive because of its strong reputation, as well as the service lines it will add to Colliers, including medical office, corporate solutions, retail, self-storage, and a private capital investment brokerage business without a lot of overlap. “I came to Dallas with the intention of making this office a top three firm and we’re making those moves, but they take time,” he tells us. He anticipates a domino effect with the other firms with which he’s been in discussions; they were waiting for the first deal to happen, he says. He anticipates opening a second office, possibly in North Dallas, to accommodate overflow growth from the additional staff moving to 1717 McKinney, but nothing is set in stone.