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Chicago Real Estate Power Couples

Chicago Other

There's nothing as romantic as the look in someone's eyes over the soft glow of a printer light, working through an RFP. In honor of Valentine's Day, here are some commercial real estate power couples who lovingly mix business and pleasure.

Jason and Courtney Trombley


Together 10 years this summer, JLL retail VP Jason Trombley and wife JLL business development content manager Courtney Trombley are passionate about Chicago real estate. The two met while working together on the retail Bank of America transaction team and kept their relationship “hush” for a year before admitting to coworkers there was more to their future than securing new bank branches. However, the commercial real estate biz is a daily conversation and exciting pastime in the Trombley household. They bounce ideas off of one another quite often and have a great appreciation for each others' work styles.


Courtney (snapped with JT a few years back at Broker Boxing) is calculated, composed, and well organized, while JT is more aggressive, fast-paced, and dynamic. Working at the same firm has been a positive experience, they say. Their Friday Valentine’s Day plans most likely will include client site tours, proposals out the door, shopping with a celebratory Gibson’s martini in the afternoon, and a definite coffee-in-hand dog walk throughout their beloved Bucktown neighborhood in the evening. Strawberry cheesecake over chocolate truffles for this happy couple!