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Oldies But Goodies

Oldies But Goodies


This week's favorite historic design comes from Valley Fire Protection Systems president Thomas Hartel. The 10-story Fine Arts Building, 410 S Michigan Ave, is known for having three 128-year-old elevators, the oldest in Chicago and original to the building. (Pretty cool to know you can get stuck in the same elevator as your great-great grandfather.) Opened in 1885 as a carriage factory and showroom for Studebaker, the Solon Spencer Beman-designed building was converted into an artist colony in 1898. If the elevator operators don't kick you out for joyriding, check out early 20th century murals circling the 10th floor atrium and grab a burger at Artists Cafe, an old celeb hangout in the building since 1961.

Do you love a particular historic design? Email with suggestions and we'll print the best answers each week.