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Chicago's data center market is starting to feel like a sardine can.Steadfast Networks  signed for another 6,800 SF at 725 S Wells. The eight-story center is currently being renovated and built out for the IT firm, which already occupies the building's top floor.
David Horowitz
This morning, we snapped Grubb & Ellis' David Horowitz (and whatmay be a time machine), who reps the landlord Digital Capital Partners. David says the center, which still has floors two, four, five and six available, is one of the best located in the Chicago area, with access to fiber from eight different providers and 4 MW of power. Chicago data center developers have mainly focused on the 'burbs in the past, so there's less than 10k SF of built-out space in the downtown area available, David tells us. Steadfast chose the center because it could get contiguous space and be close to its clients. This is a popular option for data providers who want to serve downtown companies, he says.
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