CCIM Wears Sunglasses at Night

Last night the Illinois CCIM Chapter hosted CCIM members from across the country at Fulton's for its midyear networking event. We wish we could take credit for their Blues Brothers shades. Pictured: Lloyd Berry, Robert Franksen, Ann Trandai, Pat Brady, Mike Mallon, Polly Parchem, Phil Dean, John Gledhill, Tom Krug, Jennifer Cole, Greg Wernisch, and Adam Napp.
When it got too chilly to enjoy the river view, we talked retail and wedding planning with Vito Zivoli, Mike, Valerie Heady, and her fiancee Dan Pedemonte. Mike tells us the grocery industry is changing at warp speed and expects Ohio upstart Heinen's to shake up the market (one location in Barrington, another planned in Glenview). Valerie and Dan have a Hawaiian wedding planned for next year and are practicing the hula.
What's your favorite movie filmed in Chicago? Besides The Breakfast Club, of course.