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Bisnow is in Las Vegas, offering live coverage of ICSC RECon. With 1,500 atyesterday'sseated luncheon as the backdrop, we snapped ICSC presidentMichael Kerchevaland outgoing chairmanBrad Hutensky(CEO of Hutensky Capital Partners of Hartford, Conn., a fund that invests in underperforming retail through loans, purchases, and JVs). Check out this Friday's National issue for our chat with new ICSC chairmanDavid LaRue, CEO of Forest City Enterprises.


The Wanda Group is China's largest developer and owner of commercial real estate, established in 1988 and based in Beijing. It owns 55 five-star hotels and last year acquired the AMC movie theater chain.


TheGreat Recessionhad less effect on retail store growth than youd expect. Instead, Buxton CEOTom Buxtonsays retailers learned their lessons--and those municipalities withfavorable taxandbusiness climateswill see new store growth. If youre a retailer, youre not going to a place where youhave inventory tax.Is it because the economy is bad or is it because the government is bad? Tom quips. Where its easy to do business, youre seeing cities do great.

We were talking to Scrodinger's cat the other day... or we weren't. Email