Dhawan: Wait-And-See ATL Economy

In his economic outlook today, Georgia State University Economic Forecasting Center's chief Nostradamus Dr. Rajeev Dhawan says job growth in Georgia will be down slightly from last year--a projected 85,100 new jobs. Atlanta will be the bulk of that job creation (take a bow): 57,500 new jobs, 12,000 of which will be premium jobs (those that come with fries most likely housed in offices). Rajeev's crystal ball also shows metro Atlanta producing 64,600 new jobs (including 15,300 premium ones) in 2015 and nearly 70,000 (16,400 premium) by 2016. Overall, economic growth will be “wait-and-see” for Atlanta this year. And corporate demand will only return “when the global economy, including China, is firing on full cylinders to benefit Fortune 500 companies located in Atlanta. That normalcy is still quite a while away.”