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Lone Workers: What "911" Can’t Do


“Call 911” instantly comes to mind when facing any kind of emergency. In time of need, dispatchers are there to hear you and get the action going, but there are two common misconceptions about call centers’ capabilities.

1. Emergency dispatchers can determine a caller’s location when they call from their cellphone. Nope. The location information the dispatcher usually gets is the nearest cell tower, which is not always close.

2. 911 emergency dispatch centers require the highest level of emergency training and certifications. According to, 911 emergency dispatchers receive about three to six months of on-the-job training. It is suggested, but not required, that dispatchers be trained in emergency medical services so they can provide assistance before the proper help can arrives.

What should you do then? Kings III’s lone worker solution, SoloProtect, allows employees who work alone, such as those in leasing, sales and facilities management, to issue “yellow alerts” whenever they arrive somewhere new. This allows users to leave a recording of where they are and a description of their surroundings, giving them the time to really examine their setting and provide as much detail as possible. This information will be readily available if a distress call or “red alert” is subsequently raised.

SoloProtect emergency dispatchers are Advanced Emergency Medical Dispatcher (AEMD), Red Cross CPR and HIPAA certified, putting their required training at a higher level than most 911 dispatch centers. The level of both initial/ongoing training that operators receive results in unmatched preparation to professionally respond to any emergency call. Additionally, all calls on its emergency help phones are digitally recorded, date-and-time stamped and stored indefinitely should you need them in the future. For more info on our Bisnow partner, click here.