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ICE Buying 5660?

ICE Buying 5660?

Sources tell us InterContinentalExchange— on track to purchase the New York Stock Exchange—has closed on buying 5660 New Northside Drive for its new HQ. (These moves are great, but we're running out of housewarming gift ideas. Where is Robyn Spizman when you need her?)

That means DS Waters will have to move. Sources say the company (with its moniker Crystal Springs atop the 270k SF tower off I-285) has been  interviewing brokerage houses to rep it in its RFP. So, this ends the  saga of where-will-ICE-go that has been on many folks' minds for the past year. (Finally, to sleep, perchance to dream.) It's expected to buy 5660 New Northside for $38M from Banyan Street Capital, sources tell us. CBRE reps the company, but officials did not return calls seeking comment.