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The 21 Deals And Trends That Defined
Real Estate In 2019

Commercial real estate in 2019, perhaps more than any year in recent history, was politicized and often at odds with the general public.

Investors and developers had to adjust to new laws about sustainability and climate change, rent control and even abortion. Nearby residents rose up and impacted developments over their opposition to incentives or the political leanings of tenants, and receiving community support on a project is increasingly necessary to receive permit approval. There is a growing trend of trying to find property owners liable for crimes committed on their sites. UK real estate fought all year through the uncertainty of the Brexit process.

But in this shifting world, the value and outlook for commercial real estate stayed strong. Development pipelines flourished, and in most asset classes in most major cities, supply has been mostly met by demand. Massive mergers and acquisitions closed. The U.S. economy has largely thrived.

Some worry 2020 could be the year it all falls apart. Maybe we’ve spent too much time around the CRE industry’s relentless optimism, but as we close the book on a decade of growth — and most people say they’ve learned their lesson from how the last decade ended — the picture looks pretty rosy.

— Catie Dixon, Managing Editor

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